Lesson 1

What Makes a Good Online Course

We’re glad you’re here, learning about how to build a quality online course! Your students will thank you! The following resources (rubric and showcase) were adapted and curated especially for faculty new to teaching online.

To Do in this Lesson

  1. Review the COE Online Teaching Rubric
  2. Review Showcase examples


The following rubric has been adapted to help COE faculty understand key factors in successful online courses. This rubric is based on the Quality Matters and Open SUNY Center for Online Teaching Excellence online course design rubrics, which are evidence-based, peer reviewed, and regularly updated. This rubric addresses opportunities for building social presence, cognitive presence, and teaching presence in your course and providing a positive overall experience for your online students.

Our tools and templates are based on this rubric, preview it below:


This course contains many examples to inspire you and get you started. They are broken up by the following topics (modules 3-7):

Additional Resources