YouTube is a video sharing website where faculty and students can find or upload content, assignment videos or introduction videos.
Most website building tools can embed YouTube videos. You can link to specific parts or sections of videos. Videos in Vimeo, Khan academy, TEDTalks, TeacherTube (K-12 teachers), and other sites are often cross-posted on YouTube as well.
Just because a video is on YouTube, it isn’t necessarily public. Various privacy levels allow for private sharing of videos when necessary. YouTube content in general is licensed for educational uses but before sharing an existing video, check if a different license applies.
Google Slides
Google Slides is an online collaborative slide creation and presentation tool. It has features similar to PowerPoint but is online and allows multiple people to collaborate on the same slides. The app is available to all UH faculty and students via their Google @ UH accounts and has clear online instructions.
Website Builders
Weebly and WordPress are website building tools that allow you and your students to create websites to deliver content. Weebly is an easy to use CMS that features a guided setup as well as a drag and drop interface.
WordPress is a site building tool that is used by 89% of the Internet. However, setting up a WordPress website may a bit advanced. UH ITS offers a WordPress hosting service for your department.
Screencastify & Jing
Screencastify is a Google Chrome browser extension that allows to record your browser, screen, computer audio, and microphone. It is often used for faculty and students’ tutorials or recorded presentations.
If you are not using Chrome, there are stand alone and free tools like Jing. Jing is available for Windows and Mac, is used for screenshots and up to 5 minute long screencasts.
Shotcut is a free, open source video editor for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Audacity is a free, open source audio editor for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Piktochart is a free, web-based app to create inforgraphics and presentations with easy to use and visually impactful design templates.
Pixlr & GIMP
Pixlr Editor is a free, web-based drawing tool and image editor. It is effective and easy to use. With Pixlr Express you can add artsy overlays and fonts for text.
For a more advanced option, GIMP is a stand alone all-inclusive graphic editor, similar to Photoshop, but free and open source. It is not the easiest to use but is the go-to software when the ones available cannot perform the task at hand, from image drawing, editing, resizing, to converting formats and an array of other tasks, including creating simple animations.
GIMP’s website offers some basic tutorials. Many others can be found on the web, like the YouTube and Vimeo ones listed in the site How to GIMP.