Lesson 3


As you learn about FOSS, you will repeatedly be turned to the topic of Linux-based operating systems, collectively referred to as Linux. As you know, creating a wholly Free operating system was the goal of Richard Stallman’s GNU project. Many developers prefer working in a FOSS operating system for flexibility, simplicity, and technical advantage in addition to Stallman’s perspective of computer use “without dishonor“. There is a wider range of FOSS applications available for Linux than for other operating systems. In this lesson, we’ll cover enough for you to continue exploring your options with Linux if you find it interesting and/or useful for your professional goals.

The lesson addresses these topics:

  • Linux and FOSS operating systems
  • Linux Development
  • Linux Adoption and Migration

Advanced Organizer

During the lesson, look for answers to the following questions

  1. What is the Linux kernel?
  2. Why is the Linux development process different than proprietary operating systems?
  3. What is a patch?
  4. Why would competitors like Microsoft and Google cooperate on a project like Linux?
  5. What is desktop Linux, and where has it been widely adopted?
  6. What are some barriers to adopting desktop Linux in schools (and are they surmountable)?
  7. Where can you purchase Linux pre-installed on computers?


1.Watch The Story of Linux (Youtube, 3:39)

A fun introduction to Linux, on it’s 20th anniversary (2011), you’ll recognize some of the names. OK, so Linux is over 25 now, but this video is fun.

2. Read Linux in FOSS: A General Introduction

The term “Linux” is commonly understood to mean any of several operating systems that are based on the Linux kernel*. Mainstream media typically uses “Linux” in this way. Some FOSS enthusiasts use the terms “GNU/Linux” or “GNU plus Linux” to acknowledge that only the kernel is actually Linux and that enormous contributions to these FOSS operating systems came from GNU. Be aware, however, that Linux collectively references many separate but related operating systems – called “distributions” (because each is the Linux kernel, distributed with a set of many additional applications).

There are Linux distributions that are aimed at desktop computing, and others that are not. Built on the Linux kernel, Google’s Android mobile operating system is a Linux distribution. Popular in many schools, chromebooks are based on Chrome OS which is also a Linux distribution. Finally, there are server editions of most distributions. These typically don’t include window managers or “userland” applications that aren’t required on servers. Major desktop Linux distributions include:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
    • Fedora – the bleeding edge community version of RHEL
    • CentOS – an version of RHEL, without Red Hat corporate support
  • Debian
    • Ubuntu
    • Ubuntu variants such as Edubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Mint and MATE

    *A kernel is the software that manages basic system resources such as CPU, memory, and physical devices like a disk drive or keyboard. Users are generally unaware of the kernel. Userland refers to all application software that runs in user space, ie the various programs and libraries that the operating system uses to interact with the kernel.

3. Watch How Linux is Built (Youtube, 3:13)

Linux operating systems dominate in server, mobile, and supercomputer markets. In desktop computing, where marketing has direct and massive influence on consumer purchasing decisions, Linux desktop computing is relatively small. Vendors do sell supported and pre-installed Linux desktop computers, but these enterprises are dwarfed by mainstream retail offerings of Windows and OSX. Luckily for FOSS advocates, Linux can be installed easily onto systems that shipped with another operating system.

There is a new major kernel release every 2-3 months, growing in size as new hardware support and features are added. Over 75% of development is done on paid time.

Each Linux distribution has a development community behind it. Many of these communities have corporate sponsorship, such as Canonical or Red Hat. Others are simply developer groups who have coalesced around a vision for their ideal operating system. Users must select a distribution that fits their needs. For many, the backing of a stable company and/or a large and active development community are important criteria. These are indicators that the distribution will continue to be stable and supported.

4. Read the following sections from Linux Adoption

  • Measuring desktop adoption
    • Reasons for adoption
    • Barriers to adoption
  • Advocacy

Linux adoption refers to the use of Linux in homes and organizations; migration refers to switching from the use of other operating systems to Linux. Reasons for adoption include system stability, malware protection, low or no cost, included application software and hardware drivers, simplified updates, free software licensing, and access to the source code. It is commonly held that the greatest barrier to desktop Linux adoption is that few PCs come with Linux pre-installed.

Linux is frequently hailed as very secure. There are some who argue the validity of this claim, however, there has never been a widespread Linux malware infection. While proprietary OS users depend on a specific company to identify and fix problems, worldwide Linux communities can identify and patch vulnerabilities quickly. All operating systems create and eventually patch security threats, but this Red Hat “Days of Risk” report demonstrates how fast this happens with Linux.

Recently, Linux use for gaming has increased. Valve, the company behind the online Steam games portal, has brought Steam and hundreds of games to Linux users. The CEO of Valve stated that “Linux is the future of gaming” – so you may be seeing video game enthusiasts adopting Linux as well.

5. Read the following sections from List of Linux adopters

  • Government
  • Education

An interesting array of governmental and educational institutions have adopted Linux. A range of educational institutions, primarily outside the US, have undertaken related projects.

6. Read A year of Linux desktop at Westcliff High School

In this interview, a network administrator describes the experience of converting a 1,000-student school to from Windows to Linux.

logo7. Read How Ubermix is Changing the K-12 IT Landscape and

8. Building 21st Century Writers

The first article reviews the Saugus Union School District implementation of Linux on netbooks, advantages and issues. In true FOSS fashion, the district rolled its own Linux distribution, ubermix.

The second article describes the pedagogical needs of a school that resulted in a Linux implementation to support writing. They “deployed Linux-based netbooks loaded with free, open-source software and created a customized and easy-to-manage desktop interface that mimicked students’ favorite technology–the smartphone”. “Jim Klein, director of information services and technology, built an open source Ubuntu Linux-based operating system called ubermix, designed specifically for student and classroom use with the goal of redirecting the students’ and the teachers’ focus from the technology itself to the curriculum and skill-building that it supports.” It has been in development over 9 years now, and includes touchscreen support for newer devices.


There are many vendors that sell Linux computers, despite the paucity of marketing or public awareness. Most Linux users install Linux on computers themselves, replacing other operating systems. This installation is generally painless because Linux has extensive hardware and peripheral support. There are, however, occasional surprises – such as a component (my fingerprint reader, for instance) that needs some extra set-up. There are resources to verify hardware compatibility in advance, such as Canonical’s Ubuntu’s hardware certification site or community-based review sites. However, pre-installed Linux can avoid any extra set-up or surprises.

Shop for a new computer with Linux pre-installed. How does it compare with the price and capacity of a similar Windows or Apple computer?


Blog Post #7

Choose one option (A or B):

A. Based on the Westboro and Saugus Union accounts of Linux implementations, reflect on the following:

  • How would you need to prepare for implementing Linux at your institution?
  • Would the parent and student culture support, resist, or ignore such a proposal?
  • What payoffs would you expect?
  • What would you expect to be stressful about a large scale Linux implementation?
  • How would the experiences at Westboro and Saugus Union help you plan?

B. Contemplate changing your own computer to a Linux distribution. Reflect on the following:

  • What software do you use regularly? Which are web-based and which are installed?
  • If you rely on proprietary software, what FOSS alternatives are available? Would your existing files be accessible from FOSS alternatives?
  • Would you install Linux yourself, or buy from a vendor pre-installed?
  • Would a Linux computer change your outlook on data privacy? On viruses? On use of open standards?
  • Research compatibility of the peripherals you use (printer, scanner, etc.) – would they work with Linux?
  • Compare the cost and specifications of an attractive new Windows or OSX computer to something comparable from a Linux vendor.

Additional Material

  1. 5 Fundamental Differences: Windows 10 vs. Linux
  2. Linux Portal
  3. Linux Training and Certification
  4. How the Linux Kernel Works
  5. Linux Kernel Development
  6. Revolution OS (Youtube, 1:25:10) – A 2001 full documentary movie on the development of Linux. It is highly recommended, though dated.
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