Module 1 


Just what the heck are we talking about when using the terms “free software” and “open-source software”?  Are the terms synonymous?  Are they fancy names for software I can download free of charge? As an educator, why should I be interested in free and open-source software?

“Free Software” and “Open-Source Software” are terms with rich, but very different, philosophical; historical, and legal significance.  Despite deep differences, the terms refer to nearly the same set of software; so they are frequently referred to synonymously and simultaneously as “Free/Open-Source Software”, or simply F/OSS.  Most free and open-source software, is indeed available cost-free.  (Lack of) cost is a significant reason for educators to take interest, but price is not always the primary motivator to adopt F/OSS.

In this module, we will build a foundational understanding of the history, philosophy, and legalities of free and open-source software.  This will help us better understand how educators and educational institutions can leverage F/OSS to our advantage.

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